My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
On holiday in a strange and shockingly repressed kingdom, Alex finds herself sacrificed to the local sea monster in honor of the prince ascending the throne. This was not mentioned in the brochure.
The sea monster, however, is less interested in devouring Alex than he is in what everyone will think if they find out he's hopelessly in love with another monster. Add in a cat too smart for anyone's good, and Alex is ready to swear off holidays forever.
All she wants to do is escape, but if she's going to manage that she's first going to have to deal with lovesick monsters and updating an old-fashioned kingdom with some modern thinking...
My Review:
I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Great timing on this release, following the national decree that homosexual marriage is legal and recognized.
This was a cute and quick read. There were a lot of elements brought to the story that I was not sure would work; I was afraid it would be too full of details and side stories to make sense in the end. Although, I must say Jamie Brindle was able to tie everything together really well. At first, my only complain was that every single relationship in this story centered around homosexuality, and just like in real life, that is not always the case. However, the more I thought about the reasoning behind it, the more I appreciated it, and without it, I'm not sure the story would have worked as well. I thought that maybe the monster relationship could've been more an interracial relationship than a homosexual one, but I'm not sure it would have had the impact the author was going for.
As far as the characters go, we really only got to see a true glimpse of Alex, and snippets of the rest of the characters. I liked Alex immediately, she was more collected that I'd have imagined as a sacrifice, but she was also sarcastic and forgiving, which are rare qualities to find together. She was very much humanized and I liked that. The supporting characters played their roles well, they were all an intricate part of the story, well, except Esme.
I'd recommend this book if you are looking for a quick read with a happy ending, magic, and some random faux pas details.
Read from July 10 to 12, 2015
Top Genre*: Fantasy
*According to Goodreads
My ratings system
5 stars - I absolutely loved it
4 stars - Good book and would recommend
3 stars - Decent book, but wasn't spectacular
2 stars - Not good, but was able to finish it
1 stars - Did not finish (DNF) and I don't usually rate a book I haven't finished (just to be fair to the author)
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