My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
Superstar SKOTTIE YOUNG (Rocket Raccoon, Wizard of Oz) makes his Image debut with an ALL-NEW SERIES! The Adventure Time/Alice in Wonderland-style epic that smashes its cute little face against Tank Girl/Deadpool-esque violent madness has arrived. In an adventure that ain't for the little kiddies, (unless you have super cool parents, then whatever), you'll meet Gert—a six year old girl who has been stuck in the magical world of Fairyland for thirty years and will hack and slash her way through anything to find her way back home. Join Gert and her giant battle-axe on a delightfully blood soaked journey to see who will survive the girl who HATES FAIRYLAND.
My Review:
I really enjoyed this story. I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into, I just picked this up because I was drawn to the cover. I admit, I'm a sucker for good art when it comes to my graphic stories, but what clinches it is a good story. It is not the same vice versa, no matter how good the story is, I just can't get into it if the artwork isn't to my liking. What is my liking? I'll let you know when I can find the right words, but for right now, I enjoyed this.
I liked the setup of the story, I liked the world building, I loved the art, and I love Gertrude's persona. An "adult" on the inside (as adult as one can be stuck in a place called Fairyland, but a child on the outside. She was quite cheeky and badass. I thought Gertrude's "foul" mouth was an awesome addition.
I'm looking forward to more mayhem, chaos, and destruction in the next installment.
Read on October 21, 2015
Top Genres*: Sequential Arts/Comics, Fantasy
*According to Goodreads
My ratings system
5 stars - I absolutely loved it
4 stars - Good book and would recommend
3 stars - Decent book, but wasn't spectacular
2 stars - Not good, but was able to finish it
1 stars - Did not finish (DNF) and I don't usually rate a book I haven't finished (just to be fair to the author)
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