My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
Lex is a teenage Grim Reaper with the power to Damn souls, and it’s getting out of control. She’s a fugitive, on the run from the maniacal new mayor of Croak and the townspeople who want to see her pay the price for her misdeeds. Uncle Mort rounds up the Junior Grims to flee Croak once again, but this time they’re joined by Grotton, the most powerful Grim of all time. Their new mission is clear: Fix his mistakes, or the Afterlife will cease to exist, along with all the souls in it.
The gang heads for Necropolis, the labyrinth-like capital city of the Grimsphere. There, they discover that the Grimsphere needs a reboot. To do that, the portals to the Afterlife must be destroyed…but even that may not be enough to fix the damage. Things go from bad to worse, and when at last the fate of the Afterlife and all the souls of the Damned hang in the balance, it falls to Lex and her friends to make one final, impossible choice.
My Review:
5 huge stars for this book, and the series as a whole, even though I rated Croak only 4 stars. With each new installment, the series continued to surpass my expectations. Gina Damico kept things natural (well, as natural as a supernatural story could be), down-to-earth, sarcastic, and dark. A great combination in my opinion. It wasn't all rainbows and butterflies when it came to young love, there were complications, stressors, obstacles, and heartbreak.
Lex continues to run headlong into danger while thinking she is finally making unselfish decisions to help others, and of course, without too much forethought, she keeps making things worse. She manages to come through in the end though. Her sarcasm in stressful situations was something I could definitely relate to, as I have said many an inappropriate thing during the most inappropriate times for this reason alone. I think this personality, and Driggs' as well, is what kept this story from plunging into the dark abyss. They kept it right on the edge.
Driggs was optimistic as always, especially despite his situation. He stuck to his values and reacted appropriately. I'm glad Lex and him got to experience something "cracktastic", that is something most teenagers think about when the concept of dying young comes up. I also enjoyed the struggle they had to get there.
All the other supporting characters provided the right amount of dialog and background to give this story the depth it deserves. The sacrifice of Mort, Pip, Skyla, etc., Grotton's change of character, Ferbis' grudge and help, A.J.'s circumstances, Pandora's position, Cord's and Zara's support, and Edgar Allen Poe's presence (my 2nd favorite supporting character).
The story ended beautifully. I don't want to go into too much detail because I want you to experience it the way I did. If you liked the first in the series, they only get better from there. I'd recommend this series as a whole, and will not hesitate to pick up another from Gina Damico.
Read from June 01 to 05, 2015
Top 5 Genres*: Young Adult, Fantasy/Paranormal, Fantasy, Fantasy/Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Ghosts
*According to Goodreads
My ratings system
5 stars - I absolutely loved it
4 stars - Good book and would recommend
3 stars - Decent book, but wasn't spectacular
2 stars - Not good, but was able to finish it
1 stars - Did not finish (DNF) and I don't usually rate a book I haven't finished (just to be fair to the author)
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