My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
Orio and Bauble have settled nicely into the city of Cobble. But as more of Bauble's nature reveals itself they find themselves facing a much greater world outside of Cobble's walls.
My Review:
I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Artwork was still amazing!
Just look at this shadow from stained glass!
However, the rest of the story did not live up to my expectations. I was hoping for more depth, more details, more answers. Instead, we were introduced to a new character and a completely new scenario. Bauble, who was mischievous and more than a hand full in the first Volume, was tame by comparison. Orio, came out of her shell a little bit, but we still don't know who she is. I'm not quite sure that even Meredith McClaren knows who she is supposed to be.
I thought the first Volume was written as a taster to get the reader interested, but I was so confused most of the time, and felt like I was missing something.
Is it just me, or does it seem like I'm missing out on some dialog here?
Sadly, I probably won't continue on in this series. I've lost my interest. Especially with the time between publishing, I cannot remember the the vague storyline from before in detail.
Read from February 19 to 25, 2016
Top Genres*: Sequential Art/Graphic Novel, Sequential Art/Comics
*According to Goodreads
★★★★★ - I absolutely loved it
★★★★ - Good book and would recommend
★★★ - Decent book, but wasn't spectacular
★★ - Not good, but was able to finish it
★ - Did not finish (DNF) and I don't usually rate a book I haven't finished (just to be fair to the author)
View all my reviews
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